Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Glazener Family Crest

Behold its glory! This (unless I can find a better quality one) shall be tattooed onto my left shoulder blade!

And because I am a gigantic nerd, this shall be on my right upper arm!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lost and 24 Are Over

I'm still crying...


Friday, May 21, 2010


Ok, more pictures of my overprices "nitelight". I did these with the eyes off and the lights off to showoff how it's the "combat" model as opposed to the "just off the line" version. My shit photography skills should be apparent.

Picture one is of course, the portrait:

Pic 2 is with the skullcap off.

Pic 3 has the chip and its housing out. If you were a less reputable person you could hide things like keys or bags full of some sort of grass.

Pic 4 is the chip and its housing sitting next to the base of what I have affectionately named "Barry" (after our President). Now, the skullcap can be replaced without chip inserted if for some strange reason you were inclined. You'd have to be one odd fellow to do such a thing, though.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pussy Buttfuckery

This it 100% real taken less than 30 minutes ago. There is no trickery, photoshoppery, or animal droppery, just pure old fashioned male on male pussy butt poundery! The big one is Sam, and the little one is Gaius. They have been doing this for years, but I FINALLY got it on camera. I give you... Teh Gayz Catz:

You can tell they are in love because their eyes are closed...
Brings a tear to my eye.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

On the Other Hand...

Well the right one, to be specific...

100% Pure Tungsten.

Here's a better pic, from off the website:

Bastard Families and Why The Gloves have Come Off

My mothers side of the family are the Cobbs. They were the only extended family I ever knew since when I was 2 my mom got a divorce from my violent (not getting into gory details today) father and moved in with them in Naples, Florida when I was 2.

Anyway, after my grandmother died in 2007 my Uncle Robert decided that he should get all of her belongings right down to the house my grandfather was living in. Grampa, not being totally lost to Alzheimer's called horseshit on that and wrote out a will splitting the proceeds between my uncle Robert (twat), my uncle John (how to describe his issues would take far too long) and my mom, who couldn't give 2 shits about the money other than that it would help us a great deal, but she cares more about what happens to my grampa and that's no bullshit.

Now here's why I want to go all sickhouse on the Robert Cobb family:

Today (well, yesterday, now) the bastards who want the money basically forced him to move in with them and have cut off all contact we can have with him. They have changed their phone number, apparently taken or thrown away my grandfathers cell phone, and the only way we even found out that this happened was an absent minded facebook post by my spoiled rotten cousin seen by the only real member of the Cobb side of the family I truly love, my adopted Aunt Corinna, who is just as worried about my grampa as my mother and I are. She has the luxury of not being 3500 miles away, though.

So as of now we don't know whats going on. Is he happy? Scared? Sick? How long until the cunts tire of him (they don't even like him anyway) and put him in a deathhouse aka nursing home? Will they let us talk to him? Will our cards, letters, and packages be returned to sender without his ever knowing they were sent for him? When he gets sick and starts dying will we be notified so we can be there for him? When he [i]does[/i] will we even be told? Who knows?

The bastards. I wish at times I wasn't an atheist, because I'd get some mighty satisfaction believing those cunts are burning in hell after they die. Sadly the most I can do is deliver the pain myself and go to prison or just hope real hard for the next hurricane to send a couple minivans into their house.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Come Back You Old Bastard!

One of my dearest deceased heroes George Carlin would have been 73 today. We need him now more than ever.


Sorry for the lack of recent updates. Been alternately busy and sick. I should be back soon with some more movie reviews as well as my take on the end of 'Lost' after it airs.

That is all. Kiss my ring!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fun Times at the ER

Well, during my recent visit to the ER they did another CT scan and fuck if they didn't figure out why I'm bleeding. This entire time, with all the colonoscopies, capsule endoscopies, and other tests, a fucking ER doctor figured it out. I have Diverticulosis.

Unfortunately it's incurable, but it can be managed so that flareups are less common. Basically I need to eat alot of fiber and avoid anything with seeds.

So basically, it's something that I'll have to deal with my entire life, and as long as I keep a hold on it it shouldn't develop into Diverticulitis. Hopefully.

Plus, with my SSD and SSI coming in my financial situation is going to be better (even though my mom lost her job due to me being sick, the fucking cunts). She'll be on unemployment until she can get a new job. Right now she's looking into getting a job as my full time caretaker which would mean she wouldn't need to go to work at all, which would be awesome.

Once the back payments for my SSD come in hopefully we can get a car so I won't have to take cabs to my appointments since I'm having panic attacks just thinking about the bus.