
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Glazener Family Crest
Behold its glory! This (unless I can find a better quality one) shall be tattooed onto my left shoulder blade!
And because I am a gigantic nerd, this shall be on my right upper arm!
And because I am a gigantic nerd, this shall be on my right upper arm!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Ok, more pictures of my overprices "nitelight". I did these with the eyes off and the lights off to showoff how it's the "combat" model as opposed to the "just off the line" version. My shit photography skills should be apparent.
Picture one is of course, the portrait:
Pic 2 is with the skullcap off.
Pic 3 has the chip and its housing out. If you were a less reputable person you could hide things like keys or bags full of some sort of grass.
Pic 4 is the chip and its housing sitting next to the base of what I have affectionately named "Barry" (after our President). Now, the skullcap can be replaced without chip inserted if for some strange reason you were inclined. You'd have to be one odd fellow to do such a thing, though.
Picture one is of course, the portrait:
Pic 2 is with the skullcap off.
Pic 3 has the chip and its housing out. If you were a less reputable person you could hide things like keys or bags full of some sort of grass.
Pic 4 is the chip and its housing sitting next to the base of what I have affectionately named "Barry" (after our President). Now, the skullcap can be replaced without chip inserted if for some strange reason you were inclined. You'd have to be one odd fellow to do such a thing, though.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Pussy Buttfuckery
This it 100% real taken less than 30 minutes ago. There is no trickery, photoshoppery, or animal droppery, just pure old fashioned male on male pussy butt poundery! The big one is Sam, and the little one is Gaius. They have been doing this for years, but I FINALLY got it on camera. I give you... Teh Gayz Catz:
You can tell they are in love because their eyes are closed...
Brings a tear to my eye.
You can tell they are in love because their eyes are closed...
Brings a tear to my eye.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
On the Other Hand...
Well the right one, to be specific...
100% Pure Tungsten.
Here's a better pic, from off the website:
100% Pure Tungsten.
Here's a better pic, from off the website:
Bastard Families and Why The Gloves have Come Off
My mothers side of the family are the Cobbs. They were the only extended family I ever knew since when I was 2 my mom got a divorce from my violent (not getting into gory details today) father and moved in with them in Naples, Florida when I was 2.
Anyway, after my grandmother died in 2007 my Uncle Robert decided that he should get all of her belongings right down to the house my grandfather was living in. Grampa, not being totally lost to Alzheimer's called horseshit on that and wrote out a will splitting the proceeds between my uncle Robert (twat), my uncle John (how to describe his issues would take far too long) and my mom, who couldn't give 2 shits about the money other than that it would help us a great deal, but she cares more about what happens to my grampa and that's no bullshit.
Now here's why I want to go all sickhouse on the Robert Cobb family:
Today (well, yesterday, now) the bastards who want the money basically forced him to move in with them and have cut off all contact we can have with him. They have changed their phone number, apparently taken or thrown away my grandfathers cell phone, and the only way we even found out that this happened was an absent minded facebook post by my spoiled rotten cousin seen by the only real member of the Cobb side of the family I truly love, my adopted Aunt Corinna, who is just as worried about my grampa as my mother and I are. She has the luxury of not being 3500 miles away, though.
So as of now we don't know whats going on. Is he happy? Scared? Sick? How long until the cunts tire of him (they don't even like him anyway) and put him in a deathhouse aka nursing home? Will they let us talk to him? Will our cards, letters, and packages be returned to sender without his ever knowing they were sent for him? When he gets sick and starts dying will we be notified so we can be there for him? When he [i]does[/i] will we even be told? Who knows?
The bastards. I wish at times I wasn't an atheist, because I'd get some mighty satisfaction believing those cunts are burning in hell after they die. Sadly the most I can do is deliver the pain myself and go to prison or just hope real hard for the next hurricane to send a couple minivans into their house.
Anyway, after my grandmother died in 2007 my Uncle Robert decided that he should get all of her belongings right down to the house my grandfather was living in. Grampa, not being totally lost to Alzheimer's called horseshit on that and wrote out a will splitting the proceeds between my uncle Robert (twat), my uncle John (how to describe his issues would take far too long) and my mom, who couldn't give 2 shits about the money other than that it would help us a great deal, but she cares more about what happens to my grampa and that's no bullshit.
Now here's why I want to go all sickhouse on the Robert Cobb family:
Today (well, yesterday, now) the bastards who want the money basically forced him to move in with them and have cut off all contact we can have with him. They have changed their phone number, apparently taken or thrown away my grandfathers cell phone, and the only way we even found out that this happened was an absent minded facebook post by my spoiled rotten cousin seen by the only real member of the Cobb side of the family I truly love, my adopted Aunt Corinna, who is just as worried about my grampa as my mother and I are. She has the luxury of not being 3500 miles away, though.
So as of now we don't know whats going on. Is he happy? Scared? Sick? How long until the cunts tire of him (they don't even like him anyway) and put him in a deathhouse aka nursing home? Will they let us talk to him? Will our cards, letters, and packages be returned to sender without his ever knowing they were sent for him? When he gets sick and starts dying will we be notified so we can be there for him? When he [i]does[/i] will we even be told? Who knows?
The bastards. I wish at times I wasn't an atheist, because I'd get some mighty satisfaction believing those cunts are burning in hell after they die. Sadly the most I can do is deliver the pain myself and go to prison or just hope real hard for the next hurricane to send a couple minivans into their house.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Come Back You Old Bastard!
One of my dearest deceased heroes George Carlin would have been 73 today. We need him now more than ever.
Sorry for the lack of recent updates. Been alternately busy and sick. I should be back soon with some more movie reviews as well as my take on the end of 'Lost' after it airs.
That is all. Kiss my ring!
That is all. Kiss my ring!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Fun Times at the ER
Well, during my recent visit to the ER they did another CT scan and fuck if they didn't figure out why I'm bleeding. This entire time, with all the colonoscopies, capsule endoscopies, and other tests, a fucking ER doctor figured it out. I have Diverticulosis.
Unfortunately it's incurable, but it can be managed so that flareups are less common. Basically I need to eat alot of fiber and avoid anything with seeds.
So basically, it's something that I'll have to deal with my entire life, and as long as I keep a hold on it it shouldn't develop into Diverticulitis. Hopefully.
Plus, with my SSD and SSI coming in my financial situation is going to be better (even though my mom lost her job due to me being sick, the fucking cunts). She'll be on unemployment until she can get a new job. Right now she's looking into getting a job as my full time caretaker which would mean she wouldn't need to go to work at all, which would be awesome.
Once the back payments for my SSD come in hopefully we can get a car so I won't have to take cabs to my appointments since I'm having panic attacks just thinking about the bus.
Unfortunately it's incurable, but it can be managed so that flareups are less common. Basically I need to eat alot of fiber and avoid anything with seeds.
So basically, it's something that I'll have to deal with my entire life, and as long as I keep a hold on it it shouldn't develop into Diverticulitis. Hopefully.
Plus, with my SSD and SSI coming in my financial situation is going to be better (even though my mom lost her job due to me being sick, the fucking cunts). She'll be on unemployment until she can get a new job. Right now she's looking into getting a job as my full time caretaker which would mean she wouldn't need to go to work at all, which would be awesome.
Once the back payments for my SSD come in hopefully we can get a car so I won't have to take cabs to my appointments since I'm having panic attacks just thinking about the bus.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Give a Monkey a Gun...
...And he'll make a gangsta rap video.
Too racist? Oh well, fuck you too then.
Anyway, just got back from the ER again. Fun times had by all.
Too racist? Oh well, fuck you too then.
Anyway, just got back from the ER again. Fun times had by all.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Boo 8/22/96 - 4/22/10
Well, we put Boo to sleep today. He's just too out of it, in too much pain, soiling himself (then looking mortified), and too damned stubborn to let go. He's a great buddy and always will be.
Thanks for the loyalty, courage, fun times, and all around joy of having you around Boo. You'll never be forgotten.
I love you Boo, Booboo, Bubbsy, Booby, Bubba, Bubby, Bubbabooey, Shut the fuck up it's just the mailman...
13 years, and 8 months to the day.
Thanks for the loyalty, courage, fun times, and all around joy of having you around Boo. You'll never be forgotten.
I love you Boo, Booboo, Bubbsy, Booby, Bubba, Bubby, Bubbabooey, Shut the fuck up it's just the mailman...
13 years, and 8 months to the day.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Double WOOHOO!
Turns out I get payments starting from July of 2008, meaning by their calculations I'm owed upwards of $10,000-$12,000. It can take 60-90 days to process the back payments, but I'll be able to get a cheap used car and all my shit out of pawn, as well as a couple little luxury items before I pay some people back and put the rest into savings.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sherlock Holmes Review
I have to say, I wasn't one of the many idiots dismayed by the trailer as what little I knew about the original novels was that Holmes was essentially as portrayed by Downey jr. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty of the story or mystery since all the clues weren't laid out for the audience to solve in the first place so it doesn't really function as such. However, as an action-comedy it was quite entertaining. I loved the "flirting" between Holmes and Watson as well as the setup for Moriarty.
The unfortunate bit however is that anyone who watches 'House' has pretty much seen this all before (though without the bowler hats and boxing matches) as Dr. Gregory House and Dr James Wilson fit the Holmes/Watson dynamic (and are based upon the characters) and tend to do the back and forth quite a bit better than Downey jr. and Jude Law, who are both excellent in this.
I do hope for a sequel that truly tests the skills of Holmes and Watson against the "Infinitely more devious" Moriarty and hopefully written by a more intelligent author who can put all the pieces of the puzzle on screen and only after viewing it again will you truly understand it's genius.
April 2011 cannot come soon enough. I mean who else can't wait to see Dom get tentacle raped while crying about his dead wife?
April 2011 cannot come soon enough. I mean who else can't wait to see Dom get tentacle raped while crying about his dead wife?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many
So this is the first of what I hope will be many book, movie, blu-ray, videogame, graphic novel, and other products I've purchased (or plan to when I'm no longer destitute aka when hell freezes over) that I'll be reviewing.
As someone who purchased Star Trek Online (and who has barely played it, and not at all since my free 30 days ran out as I'm poor) I was very interested in the timeline leading up to 2409 (the time setting of the game). The STO timeline is markedly different from the other novels/non-canon materials aside from a few in-jokes regarding temporal anomalies and such. Now the novel itself is styled quite liberally as a "living history" of the "Long War aka Undine (species 8472) War" much in the same vein as the far superior "World War Z" (a review for another time).
The fictional writer is of course, Federation News Network journalist extraordinaire Jake Sisko and "edited" by the real author Michael A. Martin who wrote some very interesting scenes that would have been great episodes or standalone novels of Star Trek by themselves (especially the morally fascinating and tragic issue of the "Data Matrix" that didn't take the easy way out in bringing back our beloved Soong Type Android.
Now, the timeline picks up after the "Shinzon Incident" and moves forward from there, including such monumental events as the Hobus Supernova that destroyed Romulus and Remus (going into some more detail on how it was drastically different from "normal" interstellar phenomenon and managed to reach Romulus in About a week) and goes on to discuss the fallout from that event, especially concerning the reformation of the shattered Romulan Star empire as well as a Klingon/Gorn conflict and the breaking down of the Khitomer accords between the UFP and the Klingon Empire due to Starfleet being positioned between the Klingon/Romulan Border.
Now those are the good parts of the book. They are very interesting and offer a plausible and not too saccharine look at a possible future of the 'OTL' continuity.
But here's the problem, and it's a big one: Where is the fucking "Undine War"? Aside from one engagement between MACO's from the 'USS Thunderchild' boarding an Undine ship after some sort of "inter-dimensional mishap", there is virtually no fighting with the Undine (again, Species 8472). There are mentions of there being "battles" but that's literally the extent of the conversations about the conflict aside from a bunch of cookie-cutter stories about Undine suddenly accidentally revealing themselves with chaos ensuing.
So unless you're a hardcore Star Trek Online player, or are just very interested in one possible branch the 'OTL' continuity could have taken (there is a nifty "year by year" accounting from the "Shinzon incident" all the way up until 2409 in the appendix) you should give it a pass.
I'd give it a 2/5
As someone who purchased Star Trek Online (and who has barely played it, and not at all since my free 30 days ran out as I'm poor) I was very interested in the timeline leading up to 2409 (the time setting of the game). The STO timeline is markedly different from the other novels/non-canon materials aside from a few in-jokes regarding temporal anomalies and such. Now the novel itself is styled quite liberally as a "living history" of the "Long War aka Undine (species 8472) War" much in the same vein as the far superior "World War Z" (a review for another time).
The fictional writer is of course, Federation News Network journalist extraordinaire Jake Sisko and "edited" by the real author Michael A. Martin who wrote some very interesting scenes that would have been great episodes or standalone novels of Star Trek by themselves (especially the morally fascinating and tragic issue of the "Data Matrix" that didn't take the easy way out in bringing back our beloved Soong Type Android.
Now, the timeline picks up after the "Shinzon Incident" and moves forward from there, including such monumental events as the Hobus Supernova that destroyed Romulus and Remus (going into some more detail on how it was drastically different from "normal" interstellar phenomenon and managed to reach Romulus in About a week) and goes on to discuss the fallout from that event, especially concerning the reformation of the shattered Romulan Star empire as well as a Klingon/Gorn conflict and the breaking down of the Khitomer accords between the UFP and the Klingon Empire due to Starfleet being positioned between the Klingon/Romulan Border.
Now those are the good parts of the book. They are very interesting and offer a plausible and not too saccharine look at a possible future of the 'OTL' continuity.
But here's the problem, and it's a big one: Where is the fucking "Undine War"? Aside from one engagement between MACO's from the 'USS Thunderchild' boarding an Undine ship after some sort of "inter-dimensional mishap", there is virtually no fighting with the Undine (again, Species 8472). There are mentions of there being "battles" but that's literally the extent of the conversations about the conflict aside from a bunch of cookie-cutter stories about Undine suddenly accidentally revealing themselves with chaos ensuing.
So unless you're a hardcore Star Trek Online player, or are just very interested in one possible branch the 'OTL' continuity could have taken (there is a nifty "year by year" accounting from the "Shinzon incident" all the way up until 2409 in the appendix) you should give it a pass.
I'd give it a 2/5
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I Done Did Solded Out!
Sorry guys, but I figure even if I can get a few bucks a month pulling this horseshit I should, given my financial situation. The good part is I'll be able to make a bit of cash through Amazon when I talk about a product they sell that I'm reviewing. In fact a couple of book reviews (both sucked) are coming up probably this week, so we all have that to look forward to. If these ads start causing anyone any browser problems don't block them, go ahead and tell me so I can turn them off.
Polish President Feared Dead in Russian Plane Crash
I'm assuming now would be a bad time to make a stupid Polak or Russian vodka joke?
(Reuters) - Polish president Lech Kaczynski was feared dead after his plane crashed on approach to a Russian airport on Saturday, a Polish government official at the airport told Reuters.
Russian news agencies reported at least 87 people died in the crash near Smolensk airport in western Russia, citing the Russian Emergencies Ministry. They reported 132 people were aboard the Tupolev Tu-154.
Polish state news agency PAP said there were no survivors.
The Polish government official in Smolensk said there was no information about survivors. The crash occurred about 1.5 km (a mile) from Smolensk airport in foggy conditions.
The official said the head of the Polish army and the head of the presidential administration were also on board the plane, along with the president's wife and families of other senior officials.
"The plane caught fire after the crash. Teams began attempting to pull out passengers from the badly damaged airplane," said a Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman in Warsaw.
(Additional reporting by Robin Paxton and Maria Kiselyova in Moscow and Chris Borowski in Warsaw; writing by Robin Paxton; editing by Andrew Roche)
I'm assuming now would be a bad time to make a stupid Polak or Russian vodka joke?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Destroy The Catholic Church
ABC News Editorial
Now, the article is obvious hyperbole, but lets get something straight: The Roman Catholic Church is an international criminal organization. Some say (and rightly so, as it's a very charged word) that "terrorism" doesn't apply where the RCC is concerned. This is correct in the fact that except in Ireland they don't go around blowing up buildings.
However, there is a far more insidious form of terrorism at play in the RCC.
So, since when is the Catholic Church not guilty of terrorism? Their murderous anti-contraception campaigns in AIDS riddled Africa have killed far more innocents than any Al Quaeda plot. They tell the people that condoms spread AIDS, inflicting both a religious and pseudo-scientific terror to prevent the use of life saving means on an ignorant populous. The Catholic Church is nothing more than a murderous child sex ring and any government in collusion with them is just as guilty.
They ceased to be a religious entity in the USA when they began endorsing political candidates. In any sane world, their assets would be seized, their records combed through, and the guilty parties arrested. The UN should demand the surrender of Ratzinger or begin imposing sanctions against Vatican City. Italy should be pressured by the European Union and the world community at large to dissolve the popes private little kiddy-fucking playground.
Aside from the abolition of one of the single most evil institutions in human history, there are other benefits. The RCC has for millenia hoarded precious historical documents, artifacts, and works of art in their library. Who knows what treasures await and what mass of historical information could be found?
It's high time the boil on the ass of the Earth that is the Roman Catholic Church be lanced. Only when the filth and pus drains can the human race salvage some manner of dignity it has suffered without for almost 2000 years.
A tale of two battles
Bob Ellis
No-one has yet suggested bombing the Vatican and pursuing the Pope through the sewers of Europe till he is caught and riddled with bullets in order to stop priests buggering choirboys in Boston, Chicago, Dublin and Sydney. But a precise mirror image of this is how we behaved in Afghanistan.
If we bomb it flat, we were told, and pursue Bin Laden through the caves of Tora Bora and the mud huts of Waziristan until he is caught and riddled with bullets, al-Qaeda won't hijack planes and blow up trains any more. And the world will live at peace.
We were told this eight years ago. And we believed it.
It's a curious premise to base a war on, really. Yet no curiouser I suppose than saying Saddam has nuclear weapons and he won't use them if 32 nations invade his country, he will bury them in the sand. But there you go.
It's the sort of thing that lately, since we have stopped thinking connectedly, we have been persuaded to believe. Like, if we shoot a pregnant woman, a policeman, a lawyer and a girl who is engaged, shoot them dead in a single town in broad daylight and cover it up and say we never did it, that town will soon forgive us and join us in a war against its neighbours.
We did this last month in Afghanistan and we still think the war there is going well.
We are doing really dumb things lately and imagining we'll win 'hearts and minds' by killing people for things they haven't done and declaring we 'acted appropriately, within the guidelines'.
Let's consider for a while the comparable crimes, or iniquities, or sins, or misdeeds, or culpable errors of Osama bin Laden and the Pope. Osama's followers killed 3,000 people in New York and around 700 more by terrorist acts in London, Bali, Madrid and Mumbai in the past eight years and desolated maybe 20,000 lives of the relatives of the dead.
The Pope's followers desolated, perhaps, 100,000 lives (or this is my guess) by sexual depravity in the past 80 years and killed, perhaps, (this too is my guess, I ask for yours) no more than 5,000 smashed and embittered Catholic boys and girls they drove to suicide or drunken oblivion and early death in those years.
The crimes are comparable pretty much and well-attested and well known from enquiries here and in Germany, the US and Ireland. Why then do we not bomb the Vatican and obliterate Italy for harbouring this criminal mastermind, this known protector of evil predators? Why do we not pursue him through the sewers of Europe and riddle his corpse with bullets?
Can it be, perhaps, because we think Italians and Germans are in some way superior to Afghans or Saudis or Palestinians? Can it be because we believe Catholic priests have a right to hurt little boys and Taliban mullahs and chieftains no right to hurt little girls and young women?
Why do we do this? Why are we not bombing the Vatican?
Is there a racial component in our inconsistency? Do we think we should bomb brown people but should not bomb white people? Is that it?
One wonders now what should be done with buggering priests and those that hide them from our detection. Clearly bombing Italy and Ireland is an insufficient solution, to judge by what little effect our bombing and rocketing and random arrest and rendition to houses of torture have had on the Taliban thus far and their hold on the minds of their people.
One wonders what we should do.
Under our terrorist laws, if you fail to report an imminent act of terror (and if raping repeatedly a deaf and speechless little boy is not an act of terror it's hard to say what is) you go to jail, and for 48 hours or 50 days, depending on the country, you can be 'questioned' without a lawyer.
Under these existing laws 100,000 Australians could be locked up for concealing vital information, and perhaps they should be. Certainly this would be better than bombing all of Sydney, where the crimes took place. But it feels a little harsh somehow, to me at any rate; especially since a lot of the covering-up was done by the parents of the children victimised, and other adjacent pupils and priests and nuns, not guilty themselves of any abuse but not wishing to make waves.
They are not exactly innocent, but they are not entirely criminals either.
What should be done?
Well, there are precedents. I remember Scientology being outlawed in Victoria 40 years ago for a lesser abuse of vulnerable minds and souls. I remember Holocaust Denial being made an imprisonable crime a decade ago and David Irving being put in jail for it in Austria.
I remember office harassment being made a sackable offence around the same time. I remember a female parliamentarian losing her career for speaking sternly to a waiter only a year ago. And I saw this week on The 7.30 Report a suggestion that schoolyard bullying (which also causes suicides) be made a notifiable crime with at least theoretical periods in jail or a padded cell for offenders.
What we should do, perhaps, before we do anything, is make a pertinent comparison.
If an Australia-wide child care corporation had been shown to have covered up 1000 cases of child rape by its teachers it would have been wound up, its assets seized and sold, its CEO arraigned for criminal neglect, its employees held for questioning, the offending perverts jailed or put in madhouses, its name eternally stained.
Yet precisely this kind of crime has occurred in another institution responsible for the care and shaping of children, the Catholic Church.
Should it be outlawed?
Or is it, simply, too big to fail?
Just asking.
It is worthwhile, I think, to make these connections, of how forgivingly we treat the First World rich and the contrasting way we treat the Third World poor. How we treat the crimes of Christians and of heathens in very different ways. It shows how crazy we have lately come to be, and how justly we are despised by the Islamic world, and the Communist world, and many of our former colonies.
If we do this violence to the Taliban for the way they treat their women and children, why not the Catholics too?
Why not bomb the Vatican, and riddle the Pope with bullets as he staggers out of the flames?
Now, the article is obvious hyperbole, but lets get something straight: The Roman Catholic Church is an international criminal organization. Some say (and rightly so, as it's a very charged word) that "terrorism" doesn't apply where the RCC is concerned. This is correct in the fact that except in Ireland they don't go around blowing up buildings.
However, there is a far more insidious form of terrorism at play in the RCC.
So, since when is the Catholic Church not guilty of terrorism? Their murderous anti-contraception campaigns in AIDS riddled Africa have killed far more innocents than any Al Quaeda plot. They tell the people that condoms spread AIDS, inflicting both a religious and pseudo-scientific terror to prevent the use of life saving means on an ignorant populous. The Catholic Church is nothing more than a murderous child sex ring and any government in collusion with them is just as guilty.
They ceased to be a religious entity in the USA when they began endorsing political candidates. In any sane world, their assets would be seized, their records combed through, and the guilty parties arrested. The UN should demand the surrender of Ratzinger or begin imposing sanctions against Vatican City. Italy should be pressured by the European Union and the world community at large to dissolve the popes private little kiddy-fucking playground.
Aside from the abolition of one of the single most evil institutions in human history, there are other benefits. The RCC has for millenia hoarded precious historical documents, artifacts, and works of art in their library. Who knows what treasures await and what mass of historical information could be found?
It's high time the boil on the ass of the Earth that is the Roman Catholic Church be lanced. Only when the filth and pus drains can the human race salvage some manner of dignity it has suffered without for almost 2000 years.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Why Do I Want Blizzards Dick In My Ass?
Seriously? They make me wait like 10 years for Star Craft 2 before even announcing it, and then after a year and a half of fucking waiting and waiting and waiting they announce, nope! It's gonna be 3 games! And they won't even announce when the first one, Wings of Liberty, will even be released. Not even what fucking year!
So now we have at least pricing on Wings of Liberty! And even a nifty collectors set! The regular version will be $60 and the collectors set will be $100. Of course I want the collectors set.
I mean just look at it:
It's a motherfucking thing of beauty! And here's what it comes with:
* The Art of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, a 176-page book featuring artwork from the game
* An exclusive 2GB USB flash drive replica of Jim Raynor's dog tag, which comes preloaded with the original StarCraft and the StarCraft: Brood War expansion set
* A behind-the-scenes DVD containing over an hour of developer interviews, cinematics with director's commentary, and more
* The official StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty soundtrack CD, containing 14 epic tracks from the game along with exclusive bonus tracks
* StarCraft comic book issue #0, a prequel to the comic series
* A World of Warcraft mini Thor in-game pet that can be applied to all World of Warcraft characters on a single account
* Exclusive downloadable content, including special portraits for your profile, decals to customize your units in-game, and a visually unique version of the terran Thor unit
I mean what is there not to want? I mean aside from the fact that it's pretty much just an extremely well made out of the mold RTS with a decent story attached. A polished turd if you will. But I'll still buy it! Even without a car and barely enough to make the rent I. WILL. BUY. IT.
Assuming it comes out anytime within all of our lifespans.
So why do I want Blizzards dick in my ass? Better than Ubisofts. Or god forbid that herpes encrusted EA cock.
So now we have at least pricing on Wings of Liberty! And even a nifty collectors set! The regular version will be $60 and the collectors set will be $100. Of course I want the collectors set.
I mean just look at it:
It's a motherfucking thing of beauty! And here's what it comes with:
* The Art of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, a 176-page book featuring artwork from the game
* An exclusive 2GB USB flash drive replica of Jim Raynor's dog tag, which comes preloaded with the original StarCraft and the StarCraft: Brood War expansion set
* A behind-the-scenes DVD containing over an hour of developer interviews, cinematics with director's commentary, and more
* The official StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty soundtrack CD, containing 14 epic tracks from the game along with exclusive bonus tracks
* StarCraft comic book issue #0, a prequel to the comic series
* A World of Warcraft mini Thor in-game pet that can be applied to all World of Warcraft characters on a single account
* Exclusive downloadable content, including special portraits for your profile, decals to customize your units in-game, and a visually unique version of the terran Thor unit
I mean what is there not to want? I mean aside from the fact that it's pretty much just an extremely well made out of the mold RTS with a decent story attached. A polished turd if you will. But I'll still buy it! Even without a car and barely enough to make the rent I. WILL. BUY. IT.
Assuming it comes out anytime within all of our lifespans.
So why do I want Blizzards dick in my ass? Better than Ubisofts. Or god forbid that herpes encrusted EA cock.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Why Jack Bauer Is God, Desmond Hume Is Neo, V Is Too Good For Its Writing Staff, and Superman Can Eat a Dick
First off, only one man alive could grab Starbuck by the throat, slam her up against a wall, call her "a little bitch" and not immediately burst into flames. And that man is Jack Bauer. Now some of you may be saying that Brock Samson could pull off such a feat, and while he cannot be underestimated, I doubt he'd pull off the subtlety. Plus his "Presidential Immunity Agreements" generally end with a dead pirate with his hand up Sampson's ass.
Desmond Knows Time/Space-Fu. Whoah.
V is such an awesome concept for re-imagining and has a pretty damned good cast, so why didn't they bother to hire better fucking writers? I mean at this point I'd be hinting that the fleet we saw at the end of Episode 4 was coming after Anna and there was a whole gray area to the V's plans, but nope, she ordered the fleet for some EVIL reason because apparently waiting in the Kuiper belt for a month or 2 before showing up all tooth-commercially with an even more gigantic fleet wasn't good enough.
Oh and Spoiler Alert, Chuck Bartowski totally offed Superman.
Desmond Knows Time/Space-Fu. Whoah.
V is such an awesome concept for re-imagining and has a pretty damned good cast, so why didn't they bother to hire better fucking writers? I mean at this point I'd be hinting that the fleet we saw at the end of Episode 4 was coming after Anna and there was a whole gray area to the V's plans, but nope, she ordered the fleet for some EVIL reason because apparently waiting in the Kuiper belt for a month or 2 before showing up all tooth-commercially with an even more gigantic fleet wasn't good enough.
Oh and Spoiler Alert, Chuck Bartowski totally offed Superman.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Welcome to a World of Suck
To get things out of the way I'm going to simply compile a number of posts made over the last year in the heathcare vents thread on the forums. There may be some usernames posted from quotes used to put some of my posts in context. Anyone who takes issue with such things can essentially suck my malfunctioning cock. All of the below posts are mine unless stated otherwise.
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:32 am It Begins...
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:32 am It Begins...
You know what's really fun? Shitting blood. Not as fun as being at the ER for 8 hours overnight (just got home) and having to drink barium for a CT scan, though. And they still have no idea what's wrong so I have to see my doctor on Monday and hopefully I won't shit so much blood I become lightheaded or I need to go back to the ER. Oh, and morphine. Morphine is fun.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:09 pm The Red Tide Floweth Forth...
So after 4 days, I'm still shitting blood. It was enough to almost get me admitted to the hospital (something I dread, but at the same time would have at least gotten me seen by a GI doc right away) but not enough to get me in with a GI specialist until Wednesday. So they probably won't be able to do the colonoscopy until Thursday or Friday. So in the meantime I'm still shitting blood and having the cramps from hell. "No waiting lists" my ass.
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:18 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:09 pm The Red Tide Floweth Forth...
So after 4 days, I'm still shitting blood. It was enough to almost get me admitted to the hospital (something I dread, but at the same time would have at least gotten me seen by a GI doc right away) but not enough to get me in with a GI specialist until Wednesday. So they probably won't be able to do the colonoscopy until Thursday or Friday. So in the meantime I'm still shitting blood and having the cramps from hell. "No waiting lists" my ass.
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:18 pm
Well after 5 days of shitting blood I finally got in to see a GI doctor. Now I have to wait until the 17th for a colonoscopy. What was that about our great American healthcare system having short wait times?
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:37 pm
Well my colonoscopy got moved up to the 10th, so that's a good thing. They still won't give me any kind of painkillers to help with the cramping and shit, though which pisses me off. That entire office is like dead set against any kind of narcotics. If I didn't know better I'd think they were Catholics.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:19 am
So I had my colonoscopy yesterday and everything went well. I don't have cancer (something I wasn't particularly concerned about even with a family history, I'm really just too young and don't practice the vices they did) but have some form of colitis. They have to wait until the biopsies come back in 2 weeks before they'll know what kind and how to treat it. Until then I basically have to fucking suffer, since they still won't give me anything for pain.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:38 pm
God damnit. Now I have to go to the walkin clinic because my pain is more severe. Probably from the biopsies they did, but the on-call GI doctor wants to cover his ass so instead of just telling me to either suffer more (that seems to be their thing) or try some other non-narcotic or *shudder* give me some fucking painkillers, they told me to go see another doctor. Maybe he/she won't be a sadist and I can get some fucking relief. I'm about 3 steps away from asking some kind meth addict to kill me for all of the cash in my wallet ($5).
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:05 pm
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:37 pm
Well my colonoscopy got moved up to the 10th, so that's a good thing. They still won't give me any kind of painkillers to help with the cramping and shit, though which pisses me off. That entire office is like dead set against any kind of narcotics. If I didn't know better I'd think they were Catholics.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:19 am
So I had my colonoscopy yesterday and everything went well. I don't have cancer (something I wasn't particularly concerned about even with a family history, I'm really just too young and don't practice the vices they did) but have some form of colitis. They have to wait until the biopsies come back in 2 weeks before they'll know what kind and how to treat it. Until then I basically have to fucking suffer, since they still won't give me anything for pain.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:38 pm
God damnit. Now I have to go to the walkin clinic because my pain is more severe. Probably from the biopsies they did, but the on-call GI doctor wants to cover his ass so instead of just telling me to either suffer more (that seems to be their thing) or try some other non-narcotic or *shudder* give me some fucking painkillers, they told me to go see another doctor. Maybe he/she won't be a sadist and I can get some fucking relief. I'm about 3 steps away from asking some kind meth addict to kill me for all of the cash in my wallet ($5).
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:05 pm
Well, after 4 hours in urgent care at my doctors office they finally gave me some pain meds. So I'm feeling much better. Now I just have to make sure I eat lots of fiber so I don't cause more problems. Why they couldn't have done this a week ago is beyond me, but whatever.
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:25 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:25 pm
Well today was supposed to be the day when I learned just what the fuck was going on with the whole shitting blood thing (which has started again and the pain is back even worse). Turns out they have no idea. All the biopsies came back normal, and I'm negative for cancer, which is always a good thing. Now they have to do more testing, including possibly redoing the colonoscopy. So I get to drink more of that horrid diarrhea inducing cocktail. Yay for me! :lol:
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:37 pm
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:37 pm
So tomorrow is my second colonoscopy in 3 weeks. Have to drink the nasty ass laxative starting at 5 tonight so I'll probably be up all night. At least I can drink clear liquids until 9 tomorrow morning, so I won;t be as thirsty at 2:15 when I have to be there.
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:20 pm
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:20 pm
Now I'm leaking poo water. Still no diagnosis. Still no ideas for treatment. Nothing. Fuck the medical industry.
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:18 pm
Well I just shat a good pintful of blood, so back to the fucking ER once my mom can get home to drive me there.
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:22 am
Well I'm back from the ER and shit a good 2-3 pints of blood. Luckily I'm not anemic or they would have admitted me. They gave me some pain medication and a prescription for more and sent me home. I see my worthless GI doctor on Monday so we'll see what he has to say, if anything.
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:54 am
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:18 pm
Well I just shat a good pintful of blood, so back to the fucking ER once my mom can get home to drive me there.
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:22 am
Well I'm back from the ER and shit a good 2-3 pints of blood. Luckily I'm not anemic or they would have admitted me. They gave me some pain medication and a prescription for more and sent me home. I see my worthless GI doctor on Monday so we'll see what he has to say, if anything.
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:54 am
And now I'm shitting even more blood and getting short of breasth, so it's back to the ER. The new pain meds are working for shit, too. This fucking suckas.
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:06 am
Well they wouldn;t admit me because I have an appointment with my GI doctor tomorrow, so even though my bloodcount is on the low side they feel like him seeing me ASAP is the best solution. I will LOL if he admits me. They have given me some heavy duty painkillers, though so that helps quite a bit. Still bleeding and leaking, though.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:05 pm
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:06 am
Well they wouldn;t admit me because I have an appointment with my GI doctor tomorrow, so even though my bloodcount is on the low side they feel like him seeing me ASAP is the best solution. I will LOL if he admits me. They have given me some heavy duty painkillers, though so that helps quite a bit. Still bleeding and leaking, though.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:05 pm
Well, endoscopy went well, still no findings, though. Next they wanna do a capsule endoscopy but they have to fight with my insurance to get approval for it.
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:08 am
Well just got back from ER... Again. This time for uncontrollable vomitting and the aforementioned shitting of blood. That's 5 ER visits in less than a month.
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:57 pm
Yay, the day from hell. So I woke at 230am puking and shitting again and decided instead of the ER I'd go to my clinics urgent care program for weekends. Well, that was a huge fucking mistake. I get this psycho bitch doctor who all but calls me a fucking liar even though my mother and other doctors have witnessed the blood in my shit. She basically said I was just depressed and kept going on about how I was on painkillers, she wouldn't give me any anti-nausea medication, and she just told me to take my drugs orally even though I was puking up everything I swallowed. Suppositories are no help either due to le diarrhea eu blood. I'm like 99% sure that she was trying to get me pegged a drug abuser for some bizarre reason only she knows. So basically they just sent me home without treating me.
So 2 hours later, I'm at home, still puking, and go back to the ER for the third time this weekend. Well that was a fucking mistake, too. I get put in a room all by myself and basically sit there for 3 hours waiting for my labwork to come back before they give me anything for nausea. The doctor basically didn't want to have to bother with me and refused to give me the anti-nausea meds that I had been given the day before that actually worked as opposed to the shit they gave me which doesn't do me a goddamned bit of good. I tried to explain the situation but he just ignored me and discharged me with an RX of the same shitty non-working nausea meds they put in my IV.
So now I'm still puking, still shitting blood, and have a bunch of fucking medication I can't take because of psycho-bitch and Ego-boy.
Tomorrow I'm going to see my PCP again and see what he'll have to say. Knowing how he's not a fucking moron I'll probably be feeling better by the end of the day tomorrow, but still with bloody shit.
PS: I hate like hell to bring it up, but both of the fuckers were Asian. I demand an apology from Mike Wong on behalf of his people. ;P
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:13 am
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:08 am
Well just got back from ER... Again. This time for uncontrollable vomitting and the aforementioned shitting of blood. That's 5 ER visits in less than a month.
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:57 pm
Yay, the day from hell. So I woke at 230am puking and shitting again and decided instead of the ER I'd go to my clinics urgent care program for weekends. Well, that was a huge fucking mistake. I get this psycho bitch doctor who all but calls me a fucking liar even though my mother and other doctors have witnessed the blood in my shit. She basically said I was just depressed and kept going on about how I was on painkillers, she wouldn't give me any anti-nausea medication, and she just told me to take my drugs orally even though I was puking up everything I swallowed. Suppositories are no help either due to le diarrhea eu blood. I'm like 99% sure that she was trying to get me pegged a drug abuser for some bizarre reason only she knows. So basically they just sent me home without treating me.
So 2 hours later, I'm at home, still puking, and go back to the ER for the third time this weekend. Well that was a fucking mistake, too. I get put in a room all by myself and basically sit there for 3 hours waiting for my labwork to come back before they give me anything for nausea. The doctor basically didn't want to have to bother with me and refused to give me the anti-nausea meds that I had been given the day before that actually worked as opposed to the shit they gave me which doesn't do me a goddamned bit of good. I tried to explain the situation but he just ignored me and discharged me with an RX of the same shitty non-working nausea meds they put in my IV.
So now I'm still puking, still shitting blood, and have a bunch of fucking medication I can't take because of psycho-bitch and Ego-boy.
Tomorrow I'm going to see my PCP again and see what he'll have to say. Knowing how he's not a fucking moron I'll probably be feeling better by the end of the day tomorrow, but still with bloody shit.
PS: I hate like hell to bring it up, but both of the fuckers were Asian. I demand an apology from Mike Wong on behalf of his people. ;P
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:13 am
I found out last night from my long lost half brother (he called me from his cushy contractor job in Kuwait) that my child raping sociopath of a father was exposed to agent orange in Vietnam and that may be the cause of a myriad of my problems. Everything from my current and past digestive woes to my requiring bifocals and bipolar disorder.
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:35 pm
Motherfucking cunts. Cocksucking fuckbag dicksnots at my cumbucket of an insurance company denied my capsule endoscopy procedure.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:02 pm
Me wrote:
A push enderoscopy, and a small bowel radiological test.
Anyway, I saw my specialist today and they are basically saying it's just IBS and I need to live with it for another 20 years because it usually goes away in your 50's. They won't do any more tests and the basic reason as far as to why I'm bleeding is "I dunno".
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:22 pm
Knife wrote:
Hmm, IBS has been said to be caused by anxiety, or at least cause anxiety instead of the other way around. That said, you'd think they'd at least hook you up with some anti-anxiety drugs.
Me wrote:
I'm bi-polar and suffer from severe anxiety and have been on clonazapan for roughly 2 years now.
So basically Monday I'm getting all of my GI records and going to get a second opinion. That seems like the obvious choice other than living with it. Cause if I have 20 years of misery to look forwards to, then I'll just donate my organs very young.
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:20 pm
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:35 pm
Motherfucking cunts. Cocksucking fuckbag dicksnots at my cumbucket of an insurance company denied my capsule endoscopy procedure.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:02 pm
mr friendly guy wrote:
If you don't mind me asking, what tests do they have in mind. Let me guess. They want to monitor your haemoglobin level and when they see its hanging around normal, they will say you can't be bleeding thaaaaat bad and will adopt a watch and wait approach.
Me wrote:
A push enderoscopy, and a small bowel radiological test.
Anyway, I saw my specialist today and they are basically saying it's just IBS and I need to live with it for another 20 years because it usually goes away in your 50's. They won't do any more tests and the basic reason as far as to why I'm bleeding is "I dunno".
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:22 pm
Knife wrote:
Hmm, IBS has been said to be caused by anxiety, or at least cause anxiety instead of the other way around. That said, you'd think they'd at least hook you up with some anti-anxiety drugs.
Me wrote:
I'm bi-polar and suffer from severe anxiety and have been on clonazapan for roughly 2 years now.
So basically Monday I'm getting all of my GI records and going to get a second opinion. That seems like the obvious choice other than living with it. Cause if I have 20 years of misery to look forwards to, then I'll just donate my organs very young.
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:20 pm
Well, tried to kill myself by overdosing on pills yesterday. That was fun.
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:16 pm
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:16 pm
It was a pretty pathetic suicide attempt. Apparently I'm so fucking fat my body could tolerate the amount of pills I took and all they did was give me an IV and keep me overnight for observation.
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:18 pm
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:18 pm
Kamakazie Sith wrote:
How did you come to this point? Do you have someone you can talk to? If not, have you considered speaking with one of the many community resources that are probably available in your area?
Me wrote:
It was just a confluence of events including health, financial, and social problems on top of my already fucked up mental status and 5 years of nonstop suck.
Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:57 pm
Well it's officially been like 5 months since I started shitting blood, and there is no end in sight. I spent thanksgiving in the ER to make sure my blood count wasn't too low after a particularly bad episode. Add to that another bout of horrible gastritis and it's been a miserable fucking 5 days.
I also enjoyed GI Joe, so I think that may belong in here too.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:11 am Three Months Later...
So basically the blood-shitting continues unabated and they have basically given up on trying to figure out why since I've had like every test under the sun done 3 or more times. I've had 2 "second opinions" and they all have come to the same conclusion: "We have no fucking clue, call us if it gets worse and we'll do the same tests over again, please go die in a gutter." But they have me on long lasting morphine now, so I get all the wonderful benefits and side effects of a painkiller without the happy feelgood fun part I could at least rely on to be able to watch an MSNBC weekend marathon of "Lockup." Of course that means constipation requiring a fuckton of laxatives, a dick that doesn't work, constant forgetfulness, the ability to fall down and give myself a concussion causing 3 days of amnesia (though the table I whacked my head on was partially to blame, and I'm pretty sure it called me a honkey), and the lack of giving much of a crap who knows the details of my embarrassing digestive and limp-dick issues.
The depression and anxiety have gotten worse, so my meds are being switched, trying to find a combination that works. I'm currently applying for disability, and I now view the human race as nothing more than cockroaches on a mudball trying to cause our own extinction as quickly as possible. I will welcome this event if I am alive to view it.
I'd go jerk off right now, but much like Carlo Mencia my dick don't work. However unlike Carlos Mencia I'm mildly entertaining on occasion. This is probably not one of those times.
Oh and have a mentioned how fucking awesome 'Lost' has been this season?
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:29 am
I wrote:
X-Rays, CAT scans, MRI's, stool labs, blood labs, urine labs, endoscopy, enteroscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, and probably a bunhc of shit I forgot.
I also forgot to mention that after thwacking my head on the racist table, I apparently was in the ER on a backboard for some time, which managed to fuck up my back over my right shoulderblade, so I'm also on muscle relaxers which further fucks up my cognition.
Oh, and I have a syrinx around my spinal cord they discovered a couple of years ago and they did another MRI to check on that. Still waiting for the results, and hoping like hell that the tremor in my right foot and right hand is medicine related.
I basically hit the genetic lottery. Though I dodged a bullet in not inheriting the "rape your 12 year old (who is retarded) and 8 year old step daughers and spend not nearly enough prison time for it" gene from the guy that blew his load into my mothers snatch 29 years ago. So I have that going for me.
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:20 am
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:08 pm
Well, back from the ER again. Had a bad pain spike (still ongoing) and was bleeding quite a bit, but differently than before. Got some morphine and some anti-nausea meds and they sent me home due to normal blood count and white cell count. So the wheel of shit just keeps on turning. If past experience is any indicator this flare should pass in a few days, hopefully.
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:31 pm
Well, I may have shingles on my back. If Karma is true I was either Hitler or whoever wrote The Birth of a Nation.
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:26 pm
Well, saw the psych examiner for disability. My recall and math skills are terrible. Hopefully that will help, as sad as that is to say. If I don't get this approved shit will get worse fast.
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:08 pm
FUCK do I have shingles and FUCK does it hurt like a motherfucker. I'm on 30mg of morphine every 8 hours for my stomach issues and this is breaking through it like a mack truck.
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:10 am
Well, they repo'd my moms care. Yet another financial loss I'm responsible for due to my mental and psychical defections. Logically I know she'll be better off in the long run if I just end it. I mean every way I look at it it comes down to that. The one thing that would solve all our problems and I'm too hung up on the ways others would feel if I just went and did it. So fucking sick of the human race.
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:43 am
I'm just venting. If I was going to off myself I'd either say absolutely nothing or write a 10 page manifesto on how everyone who's ever looked at me the wrong way can to hell, how they can get there, and what they can start doing to the crusty scabbed penis in their faces when they get there.
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:16 am
Fuck I can't imagine having to go to appointments on a bus. I can't imagine going anywhere on a bus. I get anxious in an elevator with just one other person I don't know on-board. I can barely stand in a grocery line. This fucking SUCKS.
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:15 am
Darth Wong wrote:
You have some kind of social anxiety disorder?
Me Wrote:
Yeah, but mostly in close quarters. It fucking sucks. It's worst at malls with cellphone kiosks every 20 feet where some guy starts harassing you to buy a new phone and you have to either ignore him or say you're not interested, either way my blood pressure goes up. I went to Pike Place Market in Seattle and almost had a coronary because everyone was packed in like sardines. And then after escaping from there, we had to walk a gauntlet of homeless people wanting change. There's this awesome outlet mall not 5 miles from my house that I literally cannot go to because of all the Asians from Vancouver who will literally jostle into you while walking past even if there is a completely clear walkway, but they stick together like a fucking flock of birds.
How did you come to this point? Do you have someone you can talk to? If not, have you considered speaking with one of the many community resources that are probably available in your area?
Me wrote:
It was just a confluence of events including health, financial, and social problems on top of my already fucked up mental status and 5 years of nonstop suck.
Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:57 pm
Well it's officially been like 5 months since I started shitting blood, and there is no end in sight. I spent thanksgiving in the ER to make sure my blood count wasn't too low after a particularly bad episode. Add to that another bout of horrible gastritis and it's been a miserable fucking 5 days.
I also enjoyed GI Joe, so I think that may belong in here too.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:11 am Three Months Later...
So basically the blood-shitting continues unabated and they have basically given up on trying to figure out why since I've had like every test under the sun done 3 or more times. I've had 2 "second opinions" and they all have come to the same conclusion: "We have no fucking clue, call us if it gets worse and we'll do the same tests over again, please go die in a gutter." But they have me on long lasting morphine now, so I get all the wonderful benefits and side effects of a painkiller without the happy feelgood fun part I could at least rely on to be able to watch an MSNBC weekend marathon of "Lockup." Of course that means constipation requiring a fuckton of laxatives, a dick that doesn't work, constant forgetfulness, the ability to fall down and give myself a concussion causing 3 days of amnesia (though the table I whacked my head on was partially to blame, and I'm pretty sure it called me a honkey), and the lack of giving much of a crap who knows the details of my embarrassing digestive and limp-dick issues.
The depression and anxiety have gotten worse, so my meds are being switched, trying to find a combination that works. I'm currently applying for disability, and I now view the human race as nothing more than cockroaches on a mudball trying to cause our own extinction as quickly as possible. I will welcome this event if I am alive to view it.
I'd go jerk off right now, but much like Carlo Mencia my dick don't work. However unlike Carlos Mencia I'm mildly entertaining on occasion. This is probably not one of those times.
Oh and have a mentioned how fucking awesome 'Lost' has been this season?
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:29 am
mr friendly guy wrote:
If you don't mind me asking, what tests have they done for you? Did it include the capsule endoscopy your insurance was chucking fits about and refusing to pay?
I wrote:
X-Rays, CAT scans, MRI's, stool labs, blood labs, urine labs, endoscopy, enteroscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, and probably a bunhc of shit I forgot.
I also forgot to mention that after thwacking my head on the racist table, I apparently was in the ER on a backboard for some time, which managed to fuck up my back over my right shoulderblade, so I'm also on muscle relaxers which further fucks up my cognition.
Oh, and I have a syrinx around my spinal cord they discovered a couple of years ago and they did another MRI to check on that. Still waiting for the results, and hoping like hell that the tremor in my right foot and right hand is medicine related.
I basically hit the genetic lottery. Though I dodged a bullet in not inheriting the "rape your 12 year old (who is retarded) and 8 year old step daughers and spend not nearly enough prison time for it" gene from the guy that blew his load into my mothers snatch 29 years ago. So I have that going for me.
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:20 am
I hate to keep posting in this thread and bitching and moaning about my myriad of health issues. That's why I haven't been talking much to my friends online because I literally have nothing new going on except newly developed ailments and I really don't want to be "that guy". You know, the one who only bitches and moans about how fucking sick he is.
Anyway, on with the freakshow of way too personal information about my health but I'm beyond caring because I just don't give a fuck about anything anymore:
So I'm on this new medicine for my bi-polar shit, and basically I'm having all of the most annoying yet non-life threatening adverse side effects. I'm not sure if this shit is even working yet (I think it is), but here are the hilarious side effects.
1) Headaches. Ok, that one isn't hilarious.
2) Horrible dry mouth to the point that in my sleep my tongue lolls out and my entire mouth is completely dry. To the point that I have cracks in my upper lip that bleed. Not only that, but my tongue and lips end up stuck to my teeth and various other parts of my mouth. Ok, still not that funny.
3) The glands that control lactation are swollen. To the point where the area just behind my nipples hurts like crazy. This may result in me producing drainage from my nipples. Yeah, I may start lactating. I hope you were drinking something, Coffee and choked on it laughing you insensitive twat. Though on the plus side I may be able to make some spare cash as a wet nurse...
Anyway, on with the freakshow of way too personal information about my health but I'm beyond caring because I just don't give a fuck about anything anymore:
So I'm on this new medicine for my bi-polar shit, and basically I'm having all of the most annoying yet non-life threatening adverse side effects. I'm not sure if this shit is even working yet (I think it is), but here are the hilarious side effects.
1) Headaches. Ok, that one isn't hilarious.
2) Horrible dry mouth to the point that in my sleep my tongue lolls out and my entire mouth is completely dry. To the point that I have cracks in my upper lip that bleed. Not only that, but my tongue and lips end up stuck to my teeth and various other parts of my mouth. Ok, still not that funny.
3) The glands that control lactation are swollen. To the point where the area just behind my nipples hurts like crazy. This may result in me producing drainage from my nipples. Yeah, I may start lactating. I hope you were drinking something, Coffee and choked on it laughing you insensitive twat. Though on the plus side I may be able to make some spare cash as a wet nurse...
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:08 pm
Well, back from the ER again. Had a bad pain spike (still ongoing) and was bleeding quite a bit, but differently than before. Got some morphine and some anti-nausea meds and they sent me home due to normal blood count and white cell count. So the wheel of shit just keeps on turning. If past experience is any indicator this flare should pass in a few days, hopefully.
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:31 pm
Well, I may have shingles on my back. If Karma is true I was either Hitler or whoever wrote The Birth of a Nation.
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:26 pm
Well, saw the psych examiner for disability. My recall and math skills are terrible. Hopefully that will help, as sad as that is to say. If I don't get this approved shit will get worse fast.
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:08 pm
FUCK do I have shingles and FUCK does it hurt like a motherfucker. I'm on 30mg of morphine every 8 hours for my stomach issues and this is breaking through it like a mack truck.
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:10 am
Well, they repo'd my moms care. Yet another financial loss I'm responsible for due to my mental and psychical defections. Logically I know she'll be better off in the long run if I just end it. I mean every way I look at it it comes down to that. The one thing that would solve all our problems and I'm too hung up on the ways others would feel if I just went and did it. So fucking sick of the human race.
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:43 am
I'm just venting. If I was going to off myself I'd either say absolutely nothing or write a 10 page manifesto on how everyone who's ever looked at me the wrong way can to hell, how they can get there, and what they can start doing to the crusty scabbed penis in their faces when they get there.
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:16 am
Fuck I can't imagine having to go to appointments on a bus. I can't imagine going anywhere on a bus. I get anxious in an elevator with just one other person I don't know on-board. I can barely stand in a grocery line. This fucking SUCKS.
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:15 am
Darth Wong wrote:
You have some kind of social anxiety disorder?
Me Wrote:
Yeah, but mostly in close quarters. It fucking sucks. It's worst at malls with cellphone kiosks every 20 feet where some guy starts harassing you to buy a new phone and you have to either ignore him or say you're not interested, either way my blood pressure goes up. I went to Pike Place Market in Seattle and almost had a coronary because everyone was packed in like sardines. And then after escaping from there, we had to walk a gauntlet of homeless people wanting change. There's this awesome outlet mall not 5 miles from my house that I literally cannot go to because of all the Asians from Vancouver who will literally jostle into you while walking past even if there is a completely clear walkway, but they stick together like a fucking flock of birds.
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